The Baruch College Undergraduate Student Government’s role is to represent and advocate for the student population at Baruch but The Ticker’s editorial board believes that USG should also take an active role in advocating and lobbying for CUNY-wide issues.
During the USG debate, when the running candidates were asked what the Board of Trustees does and their stance on NYPIRG, a nonprofit, advocacy group that focuses on public education — the table members were at varying levels of knowing what either of them are. USG should also be more collaborative in working with the University Student Senate because, even though they seem to be separate entities, many of USS’s goals, purposes and commitments overlap with USG’s.
In addition to focusing on CUNY-wide issues, the incoming USG should implement more initiatives, as past USGs have implemented initiatives such as the water-bottle filling stations and a tuition freeze back in 2015. USG should also maintain an engagement with their constituents by having a form for students to submit their concerns anonymously, as many people may feel intimidated going to a senate meeting to express their concerns.
While the senate meetings are held on Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m., few can attend a singular meeting with a narrow time slot during the weekday. USG should be holding office hours at least on a biweekly basis at locations all around campus, from USG suites to the second-floor lobby to the Newman Library Building. Such meetings should be highly publicized so that students know when and where they occur.
The Ticker’s editorial board also hopes that next year’s USG is transparent and open in talking to The Ticker for accountability in regards to keeping students informed on what’s going on with major events.
“Baruch Bash,” for instance, is an annual event hosted by USG that celebrates the end of the academic year. This year, however, many students are confused as to how the event will be carried out, since in previous years, many students have shown up drunk and in certain situations had to be taken out in ambulances.
While USG does not have control over what students do in their free time, the members must strive to maintain events that will be safe and fun for everyone who attends. Keeping these points in mind will help make USG a true voice for every student on campus.