Grow with Google is a program created by Google that provides free training classes for a variety topics such as businesses, startups, helping veterans, kids and students.
By registering online with a Google account, it is possible to sign up for these classes that can help with growing a business, creating and editing resumes and even using YouTube ads to
help promote businesses, all for free.
The classes take place at the Grow with Google Learning Center, right next to Google’s Headquarters in New York City.
Their classes focus on a multitude of things such as encouraging local businesses to build online presence and find new costumers and teaching job seekers and students’ skills in the current evolving economy, according to their website.
There are special skills targeting veterans, teachers, developers and startups as well.
All of the classes are about an hour and a half of practical learning experience. Laptops and notebooks are provided for all of the attendees.
There are different categories of workshops, targeting different audiences such as small businesses, educators, youth and students, startups and entrepreneurs and general audiences.
There are also courses taught in Spanish.
Most of the courses are introductory with only youth and students, the startups and entrepreneurs sections, which contains a limited number of intermediate courses. There is also a small business section that has one
intermediate and one advanced course.
Under the courses recommended for job seekers, there are five courses offered: Create a Resume using Google Docs, Power Your Job Search with Google Tools, Digital Skills for Everyday Tasks, Manage Projects More Effectively with Online Tools and Build a Compelling Presentation.
Digital Skills for Everyday Tasks is one of the courses that focuses on using the Google Suite Programs, such as Google Docs and Google Sheets, to create tasks
like to-do lists and planning events.
It is an introductory course, but the participants are given room to expand in the class if they know more than other students.
The course focuses on effectively planning meetings and events on Google Docs using the template gallery.
It shows the students how to modify templates to suit their tailored needs.
It is also possible to request group sessions for school administrators and educators.
With the rise of tech industry and people who are interested to learn more about it, Grow with Google provides training and resources to highly diverse attendees.
The courses are based on very general skills, however, it is possible to learn something new and exciting during every class.
For people from many different backgrounds, ages and professions, Grow with Google can be a tool for self-development.