The Ticker is Baruch College’s independent, student-run newspaper.
The Ticker publishes weekly issues of articles, art and multimedia that undergraduate students at Baruch have created. The Ticker informs the Baruch community of events of proximity, relevance and significance. It advocates for student interests and, through its various programs and positions, serves as an instrument of professional development. The Ticker strives to meet its objectives with responsible journalism, integrity and fairness.
The Ticker is a proud member of the Associated Collegiate Press.
Reading The Ticker
The Ticker is accessible at theticker.org and in-print at Baruch College. The Ticker is also active on all social media platforms @baruchticker.
You can subscribe to The Ticker by joining The Ticker’s newsletter.
Joining The Ticker
The Ticker is always looking for new staff and editorial members! The Ticker is recruiting staff writers, photographers, copy editors, multimedia specialists and graphic designers.
The Ticker houses six sections: News, Opinions, Business, Arts & Culture, Science & Technology and Sports. Students sign up to receive weekly topics emails for the sections to which they are interested in contributing.
Writers can receive topics emails from as few or as many sections as they would like and are not obligated to pick up a topic every week. If writers would like to pitch their own topic to the respective section editor, they are more than welcome to do so.
To join The Ticker, fill out The Ticker’s interest form or email info@theticker.org.
Contact Us
The Ticker
One Bernard Baruch Way
NVC Suite 3-290
New York, New York 10010
(646) 312-4710
Editor-in-Chief | Maya Demchak-Gottlieb
Managing Editor | Sonia Kalo
Business Manager | Akilah Campbell
Advertising Director | Adelisa Music
Copy Chief | Dua Jafri
Marketing Director | Jackenson Edme
Business Editor | Irza Waraich
Arts & Culture Editor | Sarah Gabriel
News Editor | Karizma Jernigan
Opinions Editor | Alina Sluzhyvenkova
Science & Technology Editor | Ali Hussain
Sports Editor | Victoria Lisi
Graphics Editor | Vibodha Gallage Dona
Photography Editor | Jumaane Millette
Web Editor | Stephanie Pisarevskiy
Multimedia Editor | Ashley Kodowa
Production Assistant | Carol Chen
Copy Editor | Christie Sylvester
Copy Editor | Josephine Lau
Copy Editor | Alex Spinella
General Policies
All submissions to The Ticker must be previously unpublished. Newspapers and other organizations looking to republish pieces printed by The Ticker should email editor@theticker.org for further information.
After a piece has been submitted, The Ticker edits for language precision, argument clarity and structure. The Ticker’s staff check for grammatical and spelling errors as well as factual errors. The Ticker reserves the right to edit all submissions prior to publication.
As is industry standard, The Ticker does not publish anonymous articles to promote accountability. In rare, exceptional cases, the section editor, in consultation with the editor-in-chief, may grant anonymity.
The Ticker may publish articles with an anonymous source, but only in rare, exceptional cases in which granting anonymity is necessary to protect the source from harm or retaliation and the source’s claim is verifiable.
Opinions and Letters to the Editor
The opinions expressed in this newspaper are those of the individual writers and do not represent those of The Ticker.
The Ticker does not retract op-eds or letters to the editor published online or in print. In the event that a writer who previously published an op-ed in The Ticker decides that they would like their piece removed from the website, they must make an email request to editor@theticker.org.
At the editor’s discretion, the piece may be archived and replaced with an editor’s note explaining the author’s changed stance and a link to the original article with the headline and byline remaining on the website. Writers will have the same opportunity as other writers to publish future op-eds that correct the record and better reflect the beliefs of the writer.
Letters to the editor
The Ticker welcomes comments, suggestions and information about errors from students and faculty members. Letters may be emailed to opinions@theticker.org. Letters should be under 400 words, must be signed and will appear, space-permitting. The editor reserves the right to edit letters and submissions for clarity and brevity.
Letters to the editor are lightly edited for factual accuracy as well as spelling and grammar. Letters to the editor selected for publication must include a headline and will not be published anonymously.
The Ticker reserves the right to include an editor’s note with the publication of a letter to the editor at the dissension of the opinion editors in consultation with the editor-in-chief.
To report a correction, please email editor@theticker.org.