Senate Meeting: USG approves 2022-2023 club budgets

April 29, 2022
Baruch College’s Undergraduate Student Government met for its 11th Senate meeting of the spring 2022 semester on April 26.
The Chair of Finance, Tyler Yang, presented multiple 2022-2023 proposed club budgets to the board.
Muslim Business Association requested a $5,000 budget. A $4,570 budget was allocated instead, a 22% increase from its previous budget. It passed 18-0-0.
FUSION requested a $8,145 budget. A $7,930 budget was allocated instead, an 11% increase from its previous budget. It passed 18-0-0.
Finance and Economic Society requested a $3,750 budget. A $3,525 budget was allocated instead, a 21% increase from its previous budget. It passed 19-0-0.
Hillel requested a $9,800 budget. A $8,350 budget was allocated instead, an 11% increase from its previous budget. It passed 18-0-0.
Association for Information Systems requested and was allocated a $1,300 budget, a 54% increase from its previous budget. It passed 18-0-0.
Investment Management Group requested a $6,200 budget. A $3,760 budget was allocated instead, a 36% increase from its previous budget. It passed 18-0-0.
Latin American Student Organization requested and was allocated a $2,700 budget, a 10% increase from its previous budget. It passed 19-0-0.
Accounting Society requested and was allocated a $5,645 budget, a 64% increase from its previous budget. It passed 19-0-0.
Actuarial Society requested a $3,215 budget. A $3,240 budget was allocated instead, a 16% increase from its previous budget. It passed 18-0-0.
Circle K International requested a $610 budget. A $645 budget was allocated instead, a 70% increase from its previous budget. It passed 18-0-0.
Bangladeshi Student Association requested and was allocated a $6,300 budget, a 58% increase from its previous budget. It passed 18-0-0.
A $650 budget for MexiCulture was presented, but was motioned to next week’s Senate meeting, which passed 18-0-0, for Yang to confirm the club’s allocated spending. It was a 30% increase from its previous budget.
Chair of Clubs and Organizations Snigdha Sarker announced the “Bernies” will take place next week. There will be a ceremony held on May 4 via Zoom to award clubs for their events. Another event on May 5 will have a photo booth.
Vice President of Campus Affair Erika Cumbe said that the “Sustainability Popup” event is postponed.
Vice President of Student Affairs Laiba Hussain announced three events next week for finals week. Breakfast and merchandise will be distributed.
Vice President of Academic Affairs Osvaldo Garcia said that Vice President of Legislative Affairs Karina Chiqui is looking for 100 student signatures on a climate petition.
Chair of Philanthropy Jason Galak provided updates on the “Cute Pet Photo Contest.” The winners will be announced on April 27 on Instagram. Over $100 was raised for a local no-kill animal shelter, with over 32 submissions.