Senate Meeting: USS provides CUNY funding update

April 15, 2022
Baruch College’s Undergraduate Student Government met for its 10th Senate meeting of the spring 2022 semester on April 12.
USS Rep. Ashley Chen and Daniel Flores updated USG.
USS has yet to vote on a chairperson for the second semester. A candidate must secure 29 votes to win the position.
Chen and Flores also spoke on a $400 million increase in state investment toward CUNY after the New Deal for CUNY legislation failed to pass.
TAP eligibility will expand to 75,000 part-time students with an increased $150 million investment. Eligibility will also be restored for incarcerated New Yorkers via $5 million in funding.
An additional $53 million will be provided to both CUNY and SUNY to hire additional full-time faculty.
Child care services will be expanded across CUNY and SUNY campuses with a $15.6 million increase in funding.
Vice President of Academic Affairs Osvaldo Garcia and Vice President of Legislative Affairs Karina Chiqui presented the third resolution of the academic year. It calls on Baruch to “address climate change through the implementation of a comprehensive resource and curriculum change.”
Resolutions require a unanimous vote to pass.
The resolution mentions that New York City’s annual temperature has increased since the 1900s and is expected to experience more frequent heat waves. It also reads that Black New Yorkers are more likely to die from heat stress at a rate twice as high as other New Yorkers.
The document explains that Baruch College’s student population would be heavily affected by climate change as Queens and Brooklyn, where over 55% of Baruch students live, are projected to experience the worst effects of climate change.
The resolution asks Baruch to create a Climate Emergency Fund for students affected by extreme weather events, start a composting program, launch a sustainability research center and offer more courses on sustainability that can fulfill the Individual and Society requirement of the Flexible Common Core, among other resources and initiatives.
The resolution passed,16-0-0.
Chiqui presented another resolution in support of building a centralized payment system for CUNY Graduate Center doctoral and master students to avoid missed payments.
The resolution passed,16-0-0.
Chair of Finance Tyler Yang presented three 2022-2023 proposed club budgets to the board.
Baruch Business Brigades requested a $500 budget, the minimum for a newly chartered club. The budget passed 16-0-0.
SOON Movement requested an $845 budget, a 13% increase from their 2021-2022 budget. The budget passed 16-0-0.
Women in Business requested a $10,000 budget, the maximum allotment, and a 5% increase from their previous budget. It was approved, 16-0-0.
Chair of Philanthropy Jason Galak announced that $1,013 was raised for Ukraine in a fundraiser organized in collaboration with Alpha Kappa Psi.
He also announced that $99 was raised for a local no-kill animal shelter through the “Pet Photo Contest.”
Assistant Director of Leadership Development Dinetta Curtis said that any students impacted by the Brooklyn subway station attack can contact Student Life for assistance.
Chair of Clubs and Organizations Snigdha Sarker and Rep. Sen. Andrew Lu were not in attendance.