Memoir ‘The Home Reader’ is not the book for paranormal skeptics

Amanda Salazar, Editor-in-Chief

Celina Myers made it big on TikTok for her cheese-and-melatonin-induced sleepwalking clips and dadjoke videos, but her career extends well beyond stumbling asleep around her dark house with a jar of mayonnaise in her hands.

Myers is an activist in her small community of Woodstock, Ontario, the creator of a line of makeup products and the author of three books, with another on the way.

She is also the “home reader.”

In her allegedly wholly nonfiction memoir “The Home Reader: A Paranormal Journey,” the Canadabased creator recounts some of her most memorable encounters with the paranormal. Myers explains how she came to have the ability to interact with things that many other people don’t believe exist.

The first portion of the book is an extended introduction that explains how she learned she has these abilities and some paranormal circumstances surrounding her childhood. Then the book has a few different sections that recount some specific experiences that Myers felt were worth sharing.

Myers does not consider herself to be a psychic or a medium of any kind nor does she consider herself to be clairvoyant or telepathic. She’s a home reader or, possibly, the only home reader.

Essentially, Myers believes she is able to see ghosts and spirits, and makes contact with them through her dreams. If there’s an entity in the space she’s in, she can see them as a solid figure. They are able to seek her out and reveal themselves to her.

According to her, those abilities extend further than that. She sees memories in time, sequences of past events or feelings that can help explain some of the paranormal activity in a home.

By bringing herself into a meditative state, Myers’s vision fades into a former reality, a previous time in the exact space she’s currently in. She can walk from room to room in this memory, observing people and situations, but not able to touch or speak to them.

This is what she calls home reading. These memories reveal themselves to her because they give a backstory to what caused whatever haunting is going on.

Whether it’s the memory of a grieving mother leaving the home her family built for her now deceased children or seeing the blackness of a demonic entity residing in the space, recounting these visions to the people of the home has allowed the situations to be resolved.

While, admittedly, this book is not a great pick for people who are dedicated to maintaining a firm disbelief in the supernatural, the 96-pager is an enjoyable and quick read for the paranormal enthusiasts and the ghost agnostics alike.

“The Home Reader” is a book for people who are able to suspend disbelief in the paranormal, if they don’t already believe in it, and for those who already do believe. For any who are angered at the mention of the supernatural because they find it to be so ridiculous, this is not the book for them.

However, if you’re someone who likes ghosts and ghouls and is looking to support a small creator, “The Home Reader” is likely just the book for you.