Sia’s ‘Music’ is a good movie, despite the controversy

February 18, 2022
A recovering alcoholic gets a call that her grandmother died and that she needs to come and sort through her grandmother’s things and take custody of her autistic teenage half-sister.
This is the overall plot of the movie, “Music,” which was created and directed— as well as acted in, briefly — by singer-songwriter Sia and released in 2021.
While the plot might sound interesting yet simple, the movie and Sia faced harsh criticism over the titular role of Music Gamble, the autistic sisterplayed by Maddie Ziegler. Ziegler, the former “Dance Moms” star dancer, is neurotypical and not on the autistic spectrum.
Ableism activists and people on the autistic spectrum spoke out against Sia casting a nonautistic actor to play this role since there are actors who are on the autistic spectrum that the “Chandelier” singer could have reached out to.
Sia, who has cast Ziegler in many of her projects since 2014 , said the role was originally cast to a non-verbal girl on the autism spectrum, but she left the production because it was too much for her.
Needing someone to take over, Sia went to her go-to collaborator, Ziegler, to play the leading role, Sia explained.
Despite this explanation, the movie still faced a lot of criticism, not for its portrayal of autism but for the fact that Ziegler portrayed the role.
Recently, Sia publicly admitted that she became suicidal and went to rehab as a direct result of all the backlash she faced following the release of her movie.
In an interview at the beginning of January, Sia also said that while maybe her decision to cast Ziegler was unintentionally ableist, it was more nepotism than anything else, because she “can’t do a project without her.”
“I realized it wasn’t ableism,” Sia said. “I mean, it is ableism, I guess, as well — but it’s actually nepotism, because I can’t do a project without her. I don’t want to. I wouldn’t make art if it didn’t include her.”
Regardless of this drama, however, the movie was good and didn’t negatively portray people with autism.
Music is portrayed as a sweet girl who just experiences the world differently than other people. There are even scenes where some of the characters explain to her older half-sister, Kazu, how her mind works and processes things differently than neurotypical people’s brains do.
She was never treated poorly or abused by any of the characters. In fact, it was quite the opposite — throughout the movie, viewers see that so many people love and care about Music.
The film also does a good job at taking a relatively unlikeable character like Kazu, who goes by Zu, and allowing her to find redemption. By the end of the movie, she’s definitely more likable.
However, there are brightly colored dance scenes interspersed every 10 or so minutes in the movie, and
those get quite annoying fast. They are meant to show how Music sees things inside her head, however
they break the flow of the plot.
Overall, it iss not a bad movie, and people who disagree with the casting should consider watching the
film to see that it’s not a negative portrayal, even if its casting is misguided.
Michael Grant • Feb 10, 2023 at 11:24 am
THE MOVIE “MUSIC” was excellent and emotionally heartbreaking. FORGET EVERYTHING THAT YOU HAVE READ FROM POLITICAL ACTIVISTS EXTREMISTS… This movie was so passionate and tender… The story of an older sister with drug abuse past having to cope with changing her life for the better if she’s going help her little autistic sister stay alive.. It was DEEPLY MOVING and little MADDIE ZIEGLER was superb as little autistic girl (don’t listen to fools who said they are angry that a genuine autistic girl wasn’t cast instead, because it’s plain to anyone that has any kind of an IQ that even the most talented real life autistic girl could have not possibly carried the weight of an entire motion picture on their shoulders the way the story surrounds every moment of that character’s life)… KATE HUDSON is excellent as the substance abusing older sister that must clean up her act if she wants her little sister to survive.. And singer/songwriting/Legend SIA does a brilliant job of directing film with a huge amount of emotional power… Forget ANY negative things you read and WATCH THIS MOVIE to see how it moves your heart to its very core
jay • Feb 13, 2023 at 3:34 am
have you ever met an autistic person? you seem to think that autistic people aren’t human beings with autonomy, that they need to be controlled. your comment about IQ shows you have no respect for people. shame on you, you are filth
Em • Nov 4, 2022 at 11:29 pm
Okay we’re just going to ignore the blatant infantilization of the disabled characters and dangerous methods of restraint because “the big sister had a good redemption arc UwU”. Give me a break.
M • Oct 11, 2022 at 11:36 am
Yeah no, I did see it. And as an autistic person, I still hate it. Music was literally forcibly restrained at one point in the film, in a move that has been known to cause serious injury/death. The only people I know who enjoyed this film were people who only knew autism as something that made you unable to speak or truly understand the world around you. Which is wildly untrue
L • Aug 7, 2022 at 9:50 am
You really have managed to overlook a significant degree of the problem.
It’s not simply a ‘poor casting choice’, the film is also completely off about what autism is. It also wildly misrepresents assisted communication devices. It also includes a dangerous restraint that has caused many deaths. It’s also, contrary to how it was promoted, more about the neurotypical characters than the eponymous Music.
This would be like saying a film featuring constant blackface is still worth a watch because it’s a good laugh if your white.