USG Report: Closing out the fall 2021 semester


Courtesy of USG

Richard Reyes

The fall semester is finally concluding. Baruch College’s last day of classes is Dec. 13 with Reading Day falling on Dec. 14th—  a day which is free of classes so students can relax or study before finals begin.

If you haven’t already done so, or your professor hasn’t made an announcement, make sure to check when your finals’ dates and times on the official Baruch College finals schedule:final exam schedule. This is the last leg of the semester, so I wish everyone good luck.

Additionally, make sure to prioritize your mental health during this very stressful week. For our first-year students, congratulations, you have officially made it to the end of your first semester. Things may or may not have gone as you anticipated, but I always like to say, you have done the best you could have given the circumstances in your life.

The Undergraduate Student Government has also concluded its first semester for this year. We hosted our final Senate meeting of the semester on Dec. 7.

These Senate meetings are very important and you can catch up with all the past minutes via this link. We will begin hosting Senate meetings again once the spring semester begins, as always on Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m.

In my opinion, this semester was fairly successful. If I were to have one criticism, it is that we were tasked with an interesting landscape, with courses being hybrid and club life being online. That combination created difficulties with planning and programming.

The typical club hours, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., just weren’t the most viable option for students to attend events. However, even with these “obstacles” USG and clubs across Baruch were able to make the most of the semester and host amazing events and initiatives.

Looking back at USG’s fall semester, we focused heavily on resource-based events and initiatives. This was done on purpose.

Students for the most part were returning from an online environment and navigating returning to “normal,” so we as  USG felt it was important for students to know what Baruch offers and can provide to them.

We collaborated with clubs across Baruch and hosted some social events. It was a privilege to work alongside the administration and the Office of Student Life in making the best experience for the student body.

The spring 2022 semester is looking to be an even more “normal experience” for students. However, we will all await information from OSL. I can promise the student body that next semester, USG will be focusing on more social events.

I hope you all enjoy your well-deserved winter break.