Candidates need to stand out with unique slogans for the 2020 race


Graphic by Joel C. Bautista

Amanda Salazar, Editor-in-Chief

As the 2020 presidential primary elections get closer, the candidates have begun to unveil and push their campaign slogans and logos. In such a crowded field, slogans are incredibly important.

With 23 candidates running  across two parties all for the same position, they each need a way to distinguish themselves if they want a chance at winning the nomination for their party.

Slogans and logos are a great way to do that and, in this election in particular, they’re what can make the many duplicative candidates stand out.

Let’s face it, the three Republicans running against President Donald Trump are running on the basis of “I’m not Trump” and Trump is running on “I am Trump.”

The Democratic candidates all share pretty much the same core values and many agree on policy for some issues.

A creative yet thoughtful short slogan paired with a visually appealing and relevant graphic can significantly aid these candidates at being noticed in the crowd.

A catchy slogan is just as important as giving speeches. In past elections, slogans were a tool to arouse excitement in voters, but now they are necessary to be able to compete.

Good slogans need to be short, sweet and to the point, but not meaningless. They should have some relevance to the candidate’s campaign and ideals, but not be longwinded and bogged down with description.

“The best campaign slogans are either about the voters, the country or the future,” Democratic campaign strategist Bob Shrum was quoted as saying in an article from Inside Sources.

“Look at the classics: New Deal, Square Deal, Great Society—they were all a pledge to the voters.”

On top of that, slogans need to be catchy. Length is important for the aesthetics of the slogan. If it’s something super long, such as Democrat Tom Steyer’s “There’s nothing more powerful than the unified voice of the American people” or Republican Joe Walsh’s “We’re tired of the lies. We’re tired of the drama. We can’t take four more years,” the slogan will not be well-received.

People want something they can remember. They want something that has a ring to it. And they want something they can get on a sticker.

“That’s more important than some people realize,” said University of New Hampshire’s Thomas W. Gruen about bumper stickers in the aforementioned article.

While not all candidates have come up with bangers so far, some presidential hopefuls have hit the mark with their slogans.

Andrew Yang’s “Humanity First” is a good example. It puts the people before himself and is short enough to be lasered onto a mug. “For the People” from Kamala Harris is also a nice one.

Yet another reason for candidates to aim for a great slogan is that it can potentially stick with them all throughout their presidency, and even into the bid for reelection, if that’s where things go.

Trump’s “Make America Great Again” is still a rallying cry for his base and, according to an article from The Washington Examiner, he has sold over a million of his red MAGA hats. It’s one of his slogans for his reelection campaign and it will likely be a phrase associated with him —whether in pride or in infamy — for years to come.

As the weeks go by and November 2020 edges closer, it should be expected that the 23 different campaign slogans will become even more and more recognizable as candidates blast them to their bases and beyond.